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5 Zdjęcia od dsolsrud

I'm genuine and generally speak my mind. I love observing and participating in life. I believe we truly can do whatever we set our minds to and shouldn't be discouraged because something is hard to do. I feel I have lots of talent and many interests which leads me to be constantly honing in on what to focus on next.

I appreciate integrity, chemistry, good intentions, laughter, honesty and unconventionality. I'm looking for someone with values, that also questions the status quo. I'm fun, adventurous and straightforward. If you value that, I'd like to hear from you.

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mimibaby napisał/a dsolsrud
I am interested to know you more,
My name is Mimi , just that i came across your profile here and become interested to know you more, please kindly contact me via this email address that's where i will
explain to you more about myself also share something with you include
my picture. ( mimiabis@outlook.com )
Yours is Mimi
21.12.2016 0 lajków 0 komentarz/y 0 komentarz/y
dsolsrud dodał/a 5 nowych zdjęć do albumu dsolsrud's photos
11.05.2016 0 lajków 0 komentarz/y 0 komentarz/y